Subject: This is why...


Why is it that some practice owners are consistently booked, but so many others struggle?

Even when they have a beautiful office, and it appears they have similar skills.

Why does it sometimes seem like success and failure are very unfairly distributed?

You poured your heart and soul into a directory profile that barely gets any attention - meanwhile someone posts a viral meme on Instagram and you see their business explode.

What's going on, there?

Is it all just a roll of the dice?

And don’t get me started on well-intended advice from your friend on how to run a business, but they have no context for what a private practice is like.

Let's demystify this topic. Here are the top 3 mistakes private practice owners make with their vision.

There's a lot of marketing advice out there that barely scratches the surface, and it misses the BIG picture.

They’re missing the fundamental pieces that make it work and instead have you focusing on the unimportant details.

We made this video to pull back the curtain on the exact framework that got us and many of our students to 6 figure, full-fee private practices.

Let us know what you think,

Stay Inspired,