Subject: Therapists #1 Struggle Solved (gift inside)

Hi Friend,

After years and years of helping private practices thrive, the BIGGEST struggle we hear about remains the same…

I have my private practice, “now, how the heck do I get consistent bookings?”

The average advice you’ll hear about the dirty “M word” (marketing) is too often vague and unrealistic for a busy business owner like you!

So, how do you *actually* do this then?

Well, after having helped 100’s of practices deal with this, our humble answer is: STICK TO YOUR STRENGTHS.

We’ve laid out our exact framework for you to do in our NEW Dream Private Practice Playbook.

Let me put your mind at ease before you click through: it costs nothing ;)

There’s no catch!

This Playbook is the combined decades of experience getting therapists’ private practices booked up.

Now from us to you, with love.


Skipped to the end? Good - we’ve put together a little present for you - the Private Practice Marketing Playbook → Download it here :)

Stay Inspired,