Subject: Stop struggling and streamline your private practice success!


Have you been thinking about the right time to start working “ON” your private practice rather than “IN” it?

Do any of these sound familiar to you:

👉  “When I get a few more clients and make some more money.”

👉  “When I’ve hired a new therapist or admin support to take over the intake calls.”

👉  “When I have more time, maybe next month, next year, or when I have less on my plate.”

👉  “Maybe after the holidays, during the summer, or when kids get older…”

We know you’ve been working hard trying to grow your practice, but you’re struggling. 

But you’ve been working hard at it, right?!?

Reading books, listening to podcasts, and/or attending virtual conferences…

Feeling like:

So why do you think things aren’t THAT different?

Friend, this goes deep! But we’re going to try to summarize it in 1 sentence.

Ready for it?

Here we go...

You can’t think your way through this.

You can’t just read a book and somehow manifest your dream private practice. It’s like your client thinking they can come for one session and have their life together.  It doesn’t work like that!

But to make this work for YOU, you need more.


We’ve extended our special offer for the Private Practice Marketing E-Course to you for another 24 HOURS.

This is the go-to implementation program for you to fill your practice with clients you love and live your dream life!

Something like 85% of practices say they struggle with their marketing and getting a consistent stream of clients.

That doesn't have to be you. 

Join us - the 15% - and boost your revenues and freedom, but don’t wait too long... the special discounted rate will disappear in 24 hours.

P.S:  Don’t take our word for it, check out what other therapists (just like yourself) say about the program here.

“It was AMAZING! I learned an insane amount and I am so grateful for such a phenomenal program. It’s something that ALL therapists in private practice NEED. They break it down step by step on how to create your marketing messages and then how to actually execute it to attract your ideal client. I love how professional both of them are, the energy that they bring, and their incredible business savviness.” ~ Roberta Alvez, LMHC

“It was Phenomenal. When I first started, I was at 3 clients. After the E-course, I had 9 consistent ideal clients coming each week. That’s without even finishing the website or doing the Google ads. I have more than doubled my caseload. I can’t wait for what I’m going to see when those huge pieces from what we learned from the E-course are complete.” ~ Jordan Zipkin, LMFT

Stay Inspired,