Subject: Private practice forms in ANY language & other questions - ANSWERED!

Before I answer all your questions...

Hi Friend --

Before I answer all your questions, have you checked out the flash sale ending TOMORROW? Get your “Done-For-You” 20+ Attorney Approved Private Practice Paperwork package for a special discount here.

I received so many questions about our attorney-approved paperwork packages and AI generator…

This email is long, but you don't need to read it all, only check the questions you are interested in.

Q: How is the paperwork delivered? Can I change or add things to the forms?

A: Absolutely, the paperwork is instantaneously delivered to you in Word format via email (wrapped in a bow). You can customize it with your practice details, logo, information, practice specifications, etc. If you decide to move to an electronic health record in the future, you'll need to contact your EHR provider for assistance in uploading the forms.

We even took it a step further with our new AI Paperwork Document Generator. This allows you to update all 80+ pages of documents in less than 30 minutes!

Q: "What forms do I need for an initial session?"

A: At minimum, you’ll need all clients to complete the HIPAA form; Therapy Consent, Policies and Agreements; Biopsychosocial Intake forms; and a Good Faith Estimate (this form is required for private pay clinicians and clients who chose not to use their insurance.

If you take insurance, clients also need to complete the Assignment of Insurance Benefits; Mental Status Exam and Diagnosis form; and the Treatment Plan (although doing a Treatment Plan is recommended for best practice). Don’t forget to write your Progress Note after the session.

Q: "What is the “No Surprises Act” and what do I need to do about it?"

A: The “No Surprises Act” was implemented January 1, 2022. It impacts private pay clinicians OR clients who chose NOT to use their insurance for therapy services.

Therapists now have to provide a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) to the client prior to services commencing. Don’t worry we’ve got you covered not only with attorney approved paperwork but a podcast and video tutorial explaining how to implement and streamline your GFE process.

Q: "What happens with the paperwork when there are updates to the laws and ethics?"

A: When there are changes to the laws and ethics, we send out updated forms via email for all those who have purchased, letting them know about the updates and what has changed.

For example when the “No Surprises Act” was implemented, we did all of the hard work for you to bring you the newest required paperwork FOR FREE! Of course, we all need to assure we are doing our own due diligence when it comes to updates in the field, but we love helping you along.

Q: What if I work with couples or children? Do you have a specific intake form for specific populations like that?

A: Yes, we offer a specific Biopsychosocial Intake and Client Information Form for Couples so that clinicians can have each partner complete their forms safely and separately.

We also offer a specific Biopsychosocial Intake and Client Information Form for Minors so that both the child’s and parent's perspectives can be completed prior to the initial counseling session.

Q: Do you offer assistance if we need help with the paperwork? Do you charge for that?

A: This is a great question... "yes" of course we are here to answer any questions you have about the paperwork. "No," we don't charge to assist you with your questions.

Q: Does the Therapy Consent, Policies and Agreements cover policies on social media, collections, cancellations, secret keeping for couples, and what to do in case of emergencies?

A: Yes, it covers all those topics and of course, you can customize it to your practice specifications.

Q: Are these forms good for someone who wants to start a private practice, but isn’t quite there yet?

A: Yes, yes and yes - 110%. If you're IN private practice or PREPARING to be in private practice, you need Attorney Approved paperwork.

Wanna know something cool... We often hear that shortly after people purchase the paperwork, they get a new client. It's like sending the universe the message, "I am ready!"

Q: Does the paperwork cover all designations like psychologists, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, etc?

A: Yes, we cross referenced the paperwork across all the designations to ensure it meets the highest standards of our profession.

Q: Are the forms translated into different languages?

A: YES!  Forms can now be translated into ANY LANGUAGE FOR FREE with Chat GPT. If you aren't sure what Chat GPT is, it is revolutionary AI technology that is changing the world! It can translate all our forms into ANY language in seconds.  It is pretty amazing and mind blowing all at the same time with this new technology you can have paperwork in any language to meet the needs of your clients, your practice and you!

Phew! Hey if you have any more questions Friend, hit “reply”

But here is the link for the BIG discount that ends tomorrow again:

CLICK HERE Don't wait, sale ends on Saturday 4.15 @ 11:59pm EST.

💫💫💫 “Purchased the paperwork package and it greatly helped me in starting and growing my practice!” ~ Jermaine Wall, LCSW of Crescent Counseling Services

Stay Inspired,