Subject: [PODCAST] What if I Don't Want to Be a Therapist Anymore?!?


We LOVE what we do ... but not always.  Maybe we long to do something else. 

You might wonder "do I still want to be a therapist?"

If you ever wondered what life would be like when you are "done" being a therapist, this podcast is for you.

Katie, who was interviewed by Ernesto Segismundo (or how Katie loves to say it Ernesto SegisMUNdOOOOO) both get real on this podcast about this struggle.  

Katie talks about: 

1. Therapist shame, it's real!

2. Give yourself PERMISSION!

3. Do what brings you joy!

4. Look honestly at what you love. 

5. Therapy can be a season.

We've been getting great feedback already from some of you who have been feeling like you are in the same place, enjoy our latest podcast!
Make sure to check out our Show Notes page to check out all of Katie's amazing resources for you!
Stay Inspired,

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Sponsor Shout Out!

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Last Week's Podcast:
The Modern Therapist's Survival Guide for Life Beyond the Couch with Curt Widhalm, LMFT and Katie Vernoy, LMFT

Next Week's Podcast:
3 Tips for Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Your Private Practice with Ruth Gitau
The Private Practice Startup, 2419 East Commercial Blvd Suite 203, 33308, Fort Lauderdale, United States
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