Subject: [PODCAST] Successfully Handle Objections in Private Practice


You know the one thing that scares most private practice practitioners, but yet they want it the MOST???

When their phone rings!

Handling that first initial phone call can be TERRIFYING.

On this week's podcast we had Jeb Blount, author of the book titled "Objections" to help give us all the #NinjaTips on how to handle that first initial phone call to help clients overcome their objections. 

Click on the image above to find out a little bit more and then DIVE in! 

If you are struggling to convert phone calls to clients, you don't want to miss this podcast as Jeb goes over the following:
  1. Psychology behind objections 
  2. The Ledge 
  3. State your price and shut up 
  4. The 5 Step Framework 
  5. Practice, practice, practice
Make sure to also check out our Show Notes page to find out where YOU can get a copy of Jeb's book "Objections" to add to your practice building library. 

P.S. Want more help navigating that initial phone call? Check out our Client Converting Call Script that has already helped countless clinicians to convert  calls into clients!

Stay Inspired,

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Last Week's Podcast:

Next Week's Podcast:
Immigration Hardship Evaluations and Practice Building with Juan Santos

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