Subject: [PODCAST] How to Become a Dynamic Presenter


Have you ever thought about offering presentations or maybe workshops to help build your income and private practice?

It is a great way to connect with others plus an AWESOME way to freshen up on your marketing skills. 

Kate and I LOVE doing presentations. 

In fact, presenting together is how we first started our business!

Join Kate and I on this podcast as we share with you how YOU can be a DYNAMIC presenter! We share:
  • The distinction between a presenter and trainer 
  • Trainer #NinjaTips 
  • How to become a great trainer 
  • How to develop your signature talk
  • Training is all about managing the energy of the room
Make sure to check out our Show Notes page to check out all of the TOP resources we recommend for you to have in your practice!

PS - Want to check out us as a dynamic duo LIVE??? Join us this May at the Not The Typical Psychotherapist Summit with TONS others dynamic presenters, including Mike Michalowicz, author of Profit First! CLICK HERE to sign up!
Sponsor Shout Out!

If you’re in private practice, you wear a lot of hats. Some of those hats are totally great. But some — like filing taxes and running payroll, for example — not so great. 

That’s where Gusto comes in. Fast, simple payroll processing, benefits, and expert HR support all in one place. 

Listeners get three months free when they run their first payroll. Try a demo and see for yourself by CLICKING HERE
Sponsor Shout Out!

When it comes to keeping your practice organized, you want software that’s not only simple, but the best. We recommend TherapyNotes. 

Their platform lets you manage notes, claims, scheduling, and more. Plus, they offer amazing, unlimited phone and email support, so when you have a question they are there to help. Go to and start a free trial today. If you enter promo code PPS they will give you two months to try it out for free.
Last Week's Podcast:

Next Week's Podcast:
It's Hard to Sell Yourself - Let a Marketer Do It For You with Misha Conaway
Stay Inspired, 
The Private Practice Startup, 2419 East Commercial Blvd Suite 203, 33308, Fort Lauderdale, United States
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