Subject: [ONLINE COURSES] Money Matters & G-Suite For Therapists


We've partnered with our friend, colleague, and fellow practice builder, Gordon Brewer, to bring you 2 very important courses for your private practice on 2 of my favorite topics!

I am sure you have heard me talk about money. In fact, I LOVE talking about money, finances, numbers, money mindset, and making your money work for you!

Since we're in tax season, this is a GREAT time to talk about money and get face to face with your money ESPECIALLY if you are a money/numbers avoider, if you struggling financially or not operating productively.

If so... Gordon has a course for you! Check out what it entails and if it moves you I suggest you register and begin having a transformation with your relationship to money!

Money Matters In Private Practice - this e-course is all about navigating the financial side of your practice. You will learn about creating a financial plan, taxes, diversifying income, accounting basics, and preparing for retirement.

Perhaps you want to utilize tools that you might already have to organize yourself, client data, records and documentation.

Kate and I LOVE G-Suite. It is the HUB of our businesses. Gordon finds a unique and creative way to utilize G-Suite for your clinical needs.

G-Suite For Therapists - this course teaches you about the tools available in Google's G-Suite, including keeping your records HIPAA secure and streamlining your documentation and progress note writing process.  

PS - Need both courses? CLICK HERE to get both packages and save!!!

Stay Inspired,