Subject: No Surprises Act...

Hi Friend,

We wanted to reach out to you regarding the new information about the "No Surprises Act" for clinicians in the USA.

Many of you have reached out to us a resource, and we are glad to be one for you.

Just like you we have been diving into the material, learning, attending webinars and doing our due diligence.

It was stated that this will be rolled out January 1, 2022 for non insurance based practices.

It has also been noted in this article that the Biden Administration is delaying the enforcement of the No Surprises Act because of the complexity of rolling everything out properly as well as the pushback it is receiving.

With everything, we like to provide you with excellent service and quality. We have an upcoming meeting with our attorney to talk further about this and create a structure and paperwork to make things as streamlined and clear as possible for both you and your clients.

As Kate and I chat about this new act we have further questions, thoughts, etc. that need further professional consultation before we put something together to share with you.

In the meantime, I know many of you are anxious to have something in place, so we wanted to provide you with some resources that we have found. Some of these articles also include templates.

  1.  Federal Rule to Prevent Surprises Health Care Billing

  2. A Brief Summary of No Surprises Act

  3. Understanding the No Surprises Act

  4. No Surprise Act Information

  5. AAMFT Blog - No Surprises Act Billing Disclosure

Once we are clear, have had further consultation and have updated information we will definitely let you know and provide you with a form that you can use with your clients.

Thanks for your trust in us to support you in your practice.

We hope you have an amazing 2022, and you will be hearing from us soon.

Stay Inspired,