Subject: Need help with creating your dream private practice 🤔 [E-Course Opportunity]

Friend, remember the days you spent hours daydreaming about owning your own practice? You envisioned becoming your own boss, creating your own schedule, or even leading a team.

You fantasized about taking long vacations or even spontaneously taking the day off mid-week for some much needed self-care.

You’ve had dreams of writing up your resignation letter and firing yourself from your J-O-B for a LONG time in order to have more time, freedom, and flexibility. 

But now? Although it may look like you’re calling the shots - you’re really not and your life kinda looks like this…

So, how do you realign with that initial vision for your dream practice and life?

First things first, take a breath and take a step back to look at the bigger picture.

Recall the initial vision in your mind of your dream practice and life. What do you see?

Perfect, experience that and write it down.  Just like therapy, business starts with us first.

The truth is... You were probably never taught how to be a successful business owner.


And no matter what it is, when we follow a step-by-step proven system the pathway to success becomes easier, quicker, and more predictable.

That’s the process we take you through inside the Private Practice Marketing E-course

Don’t let this original dream of yours fade away into something that “could have been”. 

P.S:  Don’t take our word for it, check out what other therapists (just like yourself) say about the program here.

“The course transformed my uncertainty into confidence while building a thriving and growing practice. It changed my mindset, rejuvenated my passion, and inspired me to think bigger, bolder, and braver.” ~ Faith Carlson, MA

“Even through a pandemic and in less than a year, I’ve built a THRIVING almost 6 figure private practice. If you’re questioning whether this course is a good fit or if you want to make this investment, I highly recommend taking that leap of faith in yourself and your business. Kate & Katie are amazing and I’m so grateful for them!” ~ Rachel Smith, LMFT

Stay Inspired,