Subject: Need admin support?


How are you keeping up with the responsibilities for your practice as you head into the second half of 2022?

Private Practice Startup has partnered with WizeHire to help you find qualified admins and virtual assistants to handle the busywork at your practice, so you can focus on your patients.  

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Why Now?

  • The demand for mental health experts is higher than ever

  • Admins are the first hire every clinic should make 

  • Improve productivity, increase profitability, and eliminate stress as you grow

Why Should You Use WizeHire?

  • Only $179/month with a lifetime discount for Private Practice Startup clients

  • Dedicated hiring strategy sessions with WizeHire VIP support

  • Expert-approved job templates with DISC+ candidate insights to help you find top talent 

Learn More

Don’t know who to hire? WizeHire’s expert hiring coach Patrick discusses the pros and cons of hiring an admin assistant vs. a virtual assistant in the mental health space: 

Private Practice Startup and WizeHire are both committed to helping you along your journey from startup to mastery in your practice. To get there, you need the right tools and the right team.

Sign up or set up a call with a hiring strategist from WizeHire today!

PS - Kate and I have BOTH personally used Wizehire to hire for our various businesses and love it!!! Their DISC assessment, platform, far reach for potential team members, and questions for the interview process making hiring seamless and easy!

Stay Inspired,