Subject: LIVE in 5 MINUTES! CARES Act - What YOU NEED to know!


StartupNation we are going LIVE in 5 MINUTES!

This is such important information that we are doing a LIVE and making it a podcast.

YES... you can go directly to FB when it is over and it will still be there.  We will also be sending out a REPLAY link.  

Jennie Schottmiller, LMFT, CPA will be talking ALL about the CARES Act, the beneifts, how it can apply to you and help you, your business and family in time of crisis.  

This is a NOT want to miss LIVE event and in fact please, please pass this info on to your friends and colleagues!  

Join us on our Facebook page TODAY in 5 MINUTES, Friday 4.3.20 at 1:30pm ET/10:30am PT.  See you there! 
Stay Inspired,
The Private Practice Startup, 2419 East Commercial Blvd Suite 203, 33308, Fort Lauderdale, United States
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