Subject: LAST CHANCE E-Course SALE ending in just 3 hours!

This is our last email about this, Friend.

In just a few hours, this link for our limited-time Private Practice Marketing E-Course flash sale will go *poof* and disappear.

I hear you... If you are reading this email, it means you've been on the fence and you really want to take the leap and have your dream practice.

One thing we talk a lot about on our podcast for starting private practice, is knowing HOW to take strategic risks.

Not making a decision is also a RISK…

If you DO decide, what new opportunities and possibilities will be open to you?

The RISK is WORTH the reward!

If you do NOTHING you have NOTHING in return.

You have just 3 hours or less depending on when you opened the email.

Don't have regrets in the morning.

Stay Inspired,