Subject: It’s decided… Flash sale starts tomorrow!

I couldn’t shake it off, Friend…

When I started getting my first clients in private practice, something felt OFF!

Every time I was going through the intake process for a new client, it felt like something was missing.

But surely these free templates I downloaded off the internet were good enough, right? 😳

Until one of my new colleagues walked into my office and confirmed my doubts.

My paperwork wasn’t up to par with the legal and ethical requirements I needed. Eeek! 😔

That’s why, from then on I ONLY used attorney-approved paperwork I knew I could trust!

We’re running a special offer tomorrow on our BEST SELLING paperwork package.

If you’re afraid you might be in the same situation that I was and never really checked the legality of your paperwork…

Watch out for that email tomorrow. :)

Talk then,

Stay Inspired,