Subject: IMPORTANT - Fraudulent therapist directory profiles 😡 - check your name

Hi Friend,

Therapists and our amazing private practice community. We wanted to alert you of a situation that is going on. You may have or have not heard, but we wanted you to be in the know.

Please check out the information and pass it on to other colleagues.

If you are a social worker, therapist, counselor, psychologist - check to see if you are being fraudulently advertised in the directory profile -

It has come to our attention that a company called Care Dash has set up fraudulent profiles without the therapist's consent with the intention of diverting traffic to BetterHelp. 

This is deeply concerning, unethical and is fraud.

You'll definitely want to check to see if they have your name listed. I know of so many therapists (myself included - Dr. Kate Campbell) that are listed as a fraudulent profile that sends people directly to BetterHelp's website. Meaning they are attempting to steal potential clients from you, which is beyond unethical.

We don't not support or affiliate with BetterHelp at all as we have not supported their platform, ethics or business.

If you want to check, just go to and type your name into the search engine. I checked my name (Dr. Kate Campbell) and a fake profile came up that I did not give permission for them to use. I have reported it and I encourage all of you to do the same. 

CLICK HERE for instructions from NASW on how to help report it and hopefully have it removed. 

PS - Please share this with your fellow colleagues so we can hopefully get this shut down!

Stay Inspired,