Subject: Give yourself the gift of time with “DFY” paperwork

💫💫💫“It’s amazing how much more professional my business became as a result of having the right paperwork. I became more confident in private practice. What I purchased was worth every dollar.”

~Mathew Jean


I mean, when it comes to the legal and admin stuff, don’t you want to just get it done and over with? It’s the worst part of being a private practice owner!

We recently upgraded our paperwork package to include a fancy Paperwork Document Generator → that updates the 20+ forms (80 pages) FOR you in less than 30 minutes.

👉 It works like this:

Step 1: Fill out a few fields (10 - 15min)

Step 2: Download the filled out forms (2min)

Step 3: Review everything to assure it is correct (11 - 13min)

Now, we’ve spent thousands of dollars and MANY hours working with lawyers to get these forms bulletproof…

And this week ONLY we’re having a flash sale to make this an even sweeter deal for you!

Click here to see all of the details and the HUGE discount + BONUSES!

We hope you see this in time, sale ends Saturday February 13th @ 11:59pm EST.

PS - Want a more budget friendly option?  We got you covered, 2 payments of $229.50… one now and one a month from now. CLICK HERE to grab it.

Stay Inspired,