Subject: From Struggling to Success, Our Stories + Exclusive Offer!

Dear Friend,

When Katie and I first started our separate private practices in South Florida almost 20 years ago there weren’t many private practice coaches or resources available. We both were determined to build our businesses, but struggled a lot during the process and it took way longer than it should have.

Katie was filled with anxiety and wanted to quit almost everyday because it felt much safer to have a steady paying job, but she was determined to figure out how to make private practice work. She even took a part-time Clinical Director position to bring in stable income while figuring out how to grow her business.

We didn’t realize that our mindset blocks and lack of entrepreneurship skills were holding us back. We both struggled with scarcity and money mindset issues. We were afraid that we wouldn’t be able to pay our bills so initially we tried to bootstrap everything by doing it ourselves, which was a huge mistake.

We realized very quickly that we were NOT experts in website building, marketing, graphic design, SEO, accounting, and so much more.

We were desperate for more clients, so we marketed to the masses with no clear ideal client, hoping that anyone and everyone would call. We lacked clarity in our messaging, but didn’t know it. We were marketing and networking in all the wrong places… Ugh.

We tried a ton of different marketing strategies, but since we had no clear direction or plan most of this resulted in wasted time, effort and failure making it more frustrating to find the best strategy to grow a successful private practice.

Things began to change when we started shifting our mindset and learning more about business. As you know, grad school teaches us to be great clinicians, but does not focus on how to succeed as a business owner. One of my professors actually discouraged me from following my dreams of being in private practice telling me “you can’t make money in private practice”. Wow.

We learned we were doing a lot of things wrong!

Although honing down on an ideal client felt more restrictive, at first, it actually helped us have a clear marketing focus, become the expert in a specific niche, and fueled our passion in working with our ideal clients rather than being a generalist.

We’ve come a long way since the early days of private practice and thank goodness for that! We learned a lot about ourselves, became amazing marketers, and grew multiple 6-figure businesses.

We were constantly asked by our fellow clinicians, how did you do it?!?

So long story short, that led us into the world of private practice coaching and allowed us to connect with you today while you read this email.

We have taken what we’ve learned and given you a pathway to success, the same one it took us a long time and tens of thousands of dollars to learn.

We also know that times are tough with many people having economic hardships and growing a business isn’t easy, so we want to offer you a chance to streamline growing your practice with a step-by-step process.

AND… to sweeten the pot we’re offering our Private Practice Marketing E-Course + Coaching Program to you at our deepest discount ever!

You can get started today for as little as $172/month, a small investment for a great return on learning how to set yourself and private practice up for success!

Click Here to check out all the details + BONUSES and get started. This is a limited time offer and a price we’ve never offered before.

Stay Inspired,