Subject: [FREE WEBINAR] ~ Investing in Real Estate for Therapists!

Hi Friend,

For many years now I have been investing in and owning real estate as I grew my private practice and The Private Practice Startup with Kate.

I was lucky enough to learn about real estate investing by proxy, at first, as my partner went full force into investing in real estate back in 2013.

I would attend the conferences, the local meetings, listen to the speakers and most importantly I overheard most of her conversations (because she is a bit of a loud talker, lol) where I learned the MOST about real estate.

I watched every aspect of her deals. I watched and learned about the struggles, the issues, and the triumphs.

I was busy building my private practice and The Private Practice Startup at the time, so I couldn't take on too much in the "fix and flip" world with her, but I started to learn about something called "Private Money Lending".

WAIT... so you're saying that I can loan my money, it's backed by real estate in case anyone defaults, AND I can make money passively without doing anything?!?

I wanted to learn more, and I wanted to become a private money lender! That was my golden ticket into the world of real estate and real estate investing.

Since then we've done fix and flips, buy and holds, have owned a short term rental, long term rentals, have built a new construction home and invested in something called syndications.

It hasn't been something I have talked about too much with other therapists, but now is the time for many reasons.

One, it is my mission to help therapists realize they can be financially free and real estate is a HUGE aspect of that.

Two, I've been keeping this aspect of my life too quiet for too long. It's time to share what I've been learning with you over the past almost decade now.

Three, my very dear friend Ernesto Segismundo has entered the world of real estate investing and we've decided to partner up on this webinar to start the conversation with you!

We're doing a webinar called, "The Path to Owning Investment Property (to Host Your Own Retreats)" for therapists.

If you're ready to jump in full force into real estate investing or you've been curious about real estate investing, join us as we take you step by step on the basics of what you need to know!


Join us as Katie Lemieux and Seana Abdelmajid present this FREE LIVE Webinar in conjunction with Ernesto Segismundo and learn about:

1) Benefits of owing your own investment property
2) Finding the right real estate team
3) Knowing the right location to own property for retreat purposes
4) Know your number and work with lenders


Date = Tuesday, November 1st 2022

Time = 1pm ET/12pm CT/11am MST/10am PT, (60 minutes)

PRESENTED BY: Katie Lemieux, Co-owner of The Private Practice Startup, LMFT, REALTOR & Real Estate Investor & Seana Abdelmajid REALTOR & Real Estate Investor

Cost = FREE

**Can't make it LIVE, no worries, register anyway, we'll send you the REPLAY.**

CLICK HERE to register, spaces are limited, first come first serve.

Stay Inspired,