Subject: [FREE MASTERCLASS] ~ How Reviews and Referrals Can Benefit Your Private Practice

Hi Friend,

Let's be real, anytime you ask a friend for a recommendation on a business, let's take a restaurant for example.

You might "trust" that friend's opinion but you definitely "verify" it.

So where do we go to verify that your friend's opinion about the newest, coolest, swankiest restaurant in town is actually as good as she says it is...

We go online to find the reviews.

As therapists, we know the human mind loves consistency and hates dissonance and that is what reviews do for us. It says, "yes this restaurant is as legit as you friend says it is!"

Well, it's no different for private practices.

I know you might be thinking but WAIT... what about client confidentiailty. No worries, we've got you covered.

Reviews and word of mouth referrals are essential for your business and they are often the best type of referrals because it already creates the know, like and trust factor.

Let's dive deeper into this topic together in our latest FREE LIVE Masterclass - Why Reviews and Referrals Are So Important for Your Practice.


Join us as we host this FREE LIVE Masterclass in conjunction with Brighter Vision and learn:

  1. What it’s worth to have clients and peers refer your practice to their family, friends, or prospects

  2. How much an online review is worth to the reputation of your practice

  3. Where, besides your website, you can solicit/share reviews

  4. Ways to ethically request reviews and referrals


PLUS 1 lucky participant who stays to the end of the Masterclass will receive:

  • 6 months FREE of website service (a $354 value)

Date = Tuesday, 14th March 2023

Time = 1pm ET/12pm CT/11am MST/10am PT, (60 minutes)

PRESENTED BY: Doug Schatz - VP of Growth at Brighter Vision

Cost = FREE

**Can't make it LIVE, no worries, register anyway, we'll send you the REPLAY.**

CLICK HERE to register, spaces are limited, first come first serve.

Stay Inspired,