Subject: Conquer Quarterly Taxes - Free Worksheet for Therapists!

Hi Friend,

Are you feeling overwhelmed by quarterly tax payments? You're not alone! In their recent Financial State of Private Practice report, our friends at Heard found only 44% of therapists paid quarterly taxes in 2023.

Calculating quarterly taxes can be time-consuming and confusing. But skipping them can lead to penalties and fees come annual tax time.


That's why we’re excited to share Heard’s FREE Quarterly Tax Worksheet. If your therapy practice owes more than $1,000 in taxes, you’re required to pay in quarterly installments. This worksheet gives you the tools to calculate how much you should pay.

Get your free worksheet and avoid IRS headaches

Good luck and remember, your Q2 quarterly tax payment is due June 17, 2024.

Stay Inspired,

P.S: Heard goes beyond worksheets! They offer accounting and tax tools built exclusively for therapists. You can learn more by clicking here

As a special offer, if you decide to join Heard, use the code STARTUP at checkout to get 50% off your first 2 months.