Subject: Can you believe it!!! Neither can we!

Hi Friend,

Can you believe it...

Neither can we!

The Private Practice Startup has been around since 2014. We started out as a local state wide training company providing the required courses for therapists in Florida for licensure renewal.

In 2016 we decided we wanted to have a greater impact and global reach helping therapists brand themselves, grow their dream practices, have profitable businesses, level up and live a life they've always dreamed of.

So the first step was to launch our podcast. On June 6th we celebrated 6 YEARS of podcasting. Can you believe it! Neither can we!

Never in a million years did we ever imagine we would have one of the most successful and longest running private practice podcasts.

We have recorded over 300 episodes over the past 6 years.

It is because of you StartupNation that we exist and are passionate about doing what we do, so a BIG HUGE THANK-YOU!!!!

We want to know what products, services and programs you know, like and trust and use for YOUR private practice that makes it run like clockwork.

Our podcast continues to exist because of our amazing sponsors and YOU our listeners.

We have 1 slot left for our 2022 podcast season and we are gearing up for our 2023 podcast season and looking to form some new relationships with sponsors that you LOVE!

Just hit reply on this email and let us know what you love and use or if you think of a company who might want to sponsor the podcast let us know that too!

OR.. if you are a company that might want to sponsor we'd love to hear from you.

PS - Click here for our latest episode AND... Click here for podcasts by topic!

Enjoy and thanks for allowing us to inspire YOU from startup to mastery!