Subject: Friend, we want YOU on our podcast!

Hi Friend,

We hope you are well and that your practice continues to flourish!

Kate and I often times get asked, "how do I get off insurance panels and accept private pay only?"

Who better to answer THAT question other than our e-course and coaching alumni?

Many of you have done just that!

We are hosting a podcast panel discussion on this very topic.

If you were on insurance panels and successfully transitioned to private pay completely and want to be on our podcast we would LOVE to have you!

The podcast will be hosted on:

DATE: Wednesday November 2nd

TME:   11:00am ET/ 8:00am PT

Just reply back to the email and let us know that you've done this and that you are interested.

PS - If we haven't had you on yet for a "Success Story, Where Are They Now" podcast we would love to talk about the possibility of having you on in 2023.

Stay Inspired,