Subject: Friend, Marketing automation, what's that!


Before I share about this week's podcast we have to apologize because we didn't get our weekly podcast out to you last week.  

Welp, we had royal mix up mess up with technology last week, but we got everything fixed and we are back at it. 

That being said we are going to send you not 1 but 2 podcasts this week.  Watch your inbox on Wed. for the next one.  

So on with the show... 

Do you feel like sometimes you just can’t keep up with what is NOW the next thing you need to learn, get on top of and do for your business?

Have you guys heard of or experienced Facebook Messenger Bots? 

You are probably scratching your head thinking, WHAT! 

I get it, it feels so exxxhhhaauusting…. 

Imagine if you had a product or coaching type service in your business where you allowed technology to do all the work for you AND best thing you get paid while you sleep! 

I know you might be thinking, well I am just trying to start or grow my dream practice, and there are many of you who are ready for marketing automation. 

Perhaps you are marketing a book, events, or coaching others on how to do certain things. 

You get to leverage (one of my favorite words) technology to do the work for you. 

Now, I won’t lie it’s been a quite the learning curve for us to get it, and we are still learning and refining many things. We are also starting to see the wonders of what marketing automation can do. 

Join us as we chat with friend and owner of Brighter Vision, Perry Rosenbloom.  

If you know Perry he is usually chatting about websites, but we decided to dive into marketing automation.  

Here his shares his 4 Tips to Grow Your Private Practice Using Marketing Automation.   Listen NOW

  1. What is a List & Marketing Automation & Why it is Important
  2. Different Service Providers
  3. How Do You Grow a List
  4. Nurturing Email List Relationships to Grow
PS - If you are in need of a website or website makeover check out our friends at Brighter Vision.  Click here and get your first month FREE! 

Stayed Inspired,
Last Week's Podcast:

Wednesday's Podcast: 
3 Ways to Grow a Successful Pro-Insurance Private Practice with Samara Stone of Perfected Practice
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