Subject: Are YOU our NEXT Podcast GUEST?!? 😄


What's up StartupNation!!!  Have you ever thought about being a guest on our podcast?


We might just be looking for you!  Perhaps you've been a bit hesitant to reach out, or you just have it on your never ending to do list.  We get it! 

Well, today is the day!

We are looking for podcast guests who have some awesome and interesting topics that will inspire StartupNation.  

We are looking to add a more personal side to our podcasts.  

We would love to be able to share stories of people who have struggled and then triumphed during their private practice journey.  

Maybe you were dealing with a divorce as a couples counselor, and it was difficult but you found it was the BEST thing for you and your private practice. 

Possibly you had a tragedy or dealt with a chronic illness as you were scaling your private practice and would love to share what you learned during those times. 

We would also love your feedback on what you love and loathe about podcasts so we can serve you the best! 

We are always looking for the best way to serve you AND... the best thing for us to do is just ask!

CLICK HERE to share your thoughts and creative ideas on how to better our podcast AND... let us know what topics you want to share with StartupNation on building and growing a private practice. 

Want to know what we've already covered.  CLICK HERE for our 1 page of podcast TOPICS listed in alphabetical order.

Stay Inspired,

The Private Practice Startup, 2419 East Commercial Blvd Suite 203, 33308, Fort Lauderdale, United States
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