Subject: 🎉 Join Me at the "Doubt Yourself, Do It Anyway" Virtual Summit! 🎉

Hi Friend,

We're thrilled to share some exciting news that we believe will make a tremendous difference in your journey, supporting your Private Practice goals.

Introducing the "Doubt Yourself, Do It Anyway" Virtual Summit!

Here are the details:

Dates: December 4–8 and December 11–15, 2023

Format: Engaging, pre-recorded online video sessions

Location: Online – Attend from Anywhere!

Price: FREE during the summit or Lifetime Access for only $129

We are passionate about mental health advocacy and entrepreneurship and we believe this summit will be of great value for you.

We had the privilege of being part of an incredible lineup of 32 experts who are leaders in the mental health and entrepreneurship realms.

Key Summit Themes:

🧠 Mindset Shifts: Learn to conquer self-doubt, boost your confidence, and embrace challenges with resilience. You’ll learn strategies that you can immediately implement to help you feel unstuck, and move forward with your goals.

🖋️ Content Creation Mastery: Unleash your creativity and create compelling content that resonates with your audience. Find your authentic voice, and learn how to make sure that your ideal clients can find you, contact you, and pay you.

💰 Alternative Streams of Income: Discover innovative ways to diversify your revenue streams and secure financial stability. This will help ensure that you spend less time w/ your butt in the seat, allowing you to scale, grow, and pursue your passion projects. Think podcasts, retreats, speaking engagements, and more!

👑 Leadership Redefined: Develop leadership skills that drive positive change and impact within your business. Learn hiring strategies, ways to create more inclusive workspaces, staff retention techniques, and how to set yourself apart in a competitive hiring market.

🧠 Neurodiversity Affirming Practices: Gain insights on creating an inclusive environment and respecting neurodiversity. We have 4- ND therapists who are going to talk about how to incorporate neurodivergent affirmative practices, strategies, techniques, and provide tons of education on how to get started.

🌈 Honoring Diversity and Intersectionality: We have 4 incredible speakers who are embracing and highlighting their identities, and showcasing the incredible businesses that they’ve created, while sharing their stories of resilience, courage, and authenticity.

⏱️ Productivity Hacks: Learn time-management techniques to boost efficiency and maintain your peace of mind. These talks will help you save time in your business, optimize your work flows, and reduce your stress. You’ll be able to immediately implement these strategies to your day-to-day

Why Should You Attend?

By registering for the "Doubt Yourself, Do It Anyway" Virtual Summit, you'll experience:

🔥 Expert Insights: Access to transformative knowledge from leading experts in mental health entrepreneurship, all of whom are doing things differently, highlighting all of the ways that your skills are applicable in the world. Grad school definitely didn’t teach us this, so we want to make sure that you have everything you need to be successful. 

🌐 Networking Opportunities: Connect with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals and build relationships without feeling like a used car “salesperson.” You’ll be in a FB community with people who have similar goals in mind, who want to pursue their creative dreams and goals. 

📚 Actionable Strategies: Take away practical tips that you can immediately implement in your mental health business. We want you to come away from EVERY talk w/ at least 2-3 things you can do to support your business, immediately! 

🎁 Exclusive Bonuses: Gain access to freebies and resources offered by our speakers to enhance your journey. Every one of our speakers has offered a valuable freebie that you can use ASAP, to help you personally and professionally. 

Don't let this opportunity slip by! Make sure to purchase your lifetime replay access so that you can revisit these POWERFUL talks, again and again. 

We can't wait to virtually connect with you at the summit and witness your journey towards success. Let's embark on this transformative experience together!

Stay Inspired,