Subject: 🎙️ 8 Years, 350+ Episodes, Countless Lessons: Join Our Celebration! 🥳

Hi Friend,

Wow, can you believe Kate Mitchell Campbell and I have been in business together for a decade already?! Time flies! ⏰🚀

Back when Kate’s son was just 1 year old, she had this incredible vision to take our FL statewide training company and make it something so much bigger.

🌟 We dreamed of helping therapists brand themselves, work with clients they love, get paid well, and make a huge impact while doing it. 💼💖

We had our struggles building our own businesses over 15+ years ago —there were barely any private practice coaches around to guide us. 😅

But Kate had the brilliant idea to start a podcast. 🎙️

Every morning, she’d walk her son and listen to John Lee Dumas for podcasting tips.

Needless to say, our early equipment and skills weren’t the best. 🎧 Our first episodes were super structured, a bit flat, recorded hunched over a cheap mic, and Kate was editing everything herself. 😂

Times have definitely changed! Today, we’re celebrating one of the longest-lasting podcasts in the private practice arena!

🙌 We couldn’t have done it without our amazing sponsors, countless guests, our rockstar podcast editor, our fantastic Executive Assistant Ruth who handles all pre and post-production, and Inna, our awesome social media manager who shares these important topics.

And of course...

YOU, our incredible community! 🥰👏

With over 350+ episodes, 1.5 million downloads, we’ve come a long way! 🎉🎙️

To celebrate our podcast journey, check out one of our latest episodes where we chat about our 10 years in business together and the life lessons we've learned.

Want to hear MORE podcasts?

Listen to our 350+ podcasts:

Stay Inspired,