Subject: Overcoming Shiny Object Syndrome

Hello Friend:

I have completed the first training
video on Overcoming Shiny Object
Syndrome.  Once I completed it and
realized that I will probably have
many more videos to do on this
issue for you.

I will need you to do two things<

1.) If you have not completed
the training survey, please make
sure that you do so. This will
tell me what to train you on so
that you'll be successful in using
your PLR.

2.) I'd like to remove you from
this subscriber list and on to
one that is coming from my
name (Charles Terrence Harper).
This is where I will provide
all of the extras like links to
the Mp3's of my trainings, slides
and etc.  

So, if you'd re-opt in at this link,
I'll give you access to the first two
videos I did on Shiny Object Syndrome
but also the Mp3's for you to listen
to, my resource list and the slides
to download.

You will be automatically removed
from this subscriber list as soon as
you confirm. 

As I said, this is the First of probably
7 lessons, I'll be doing on Shiny Object
Syndrome.  You'll be surprised at how
easy it will be to overcome it once
you complete the training.  

Okay, to recap:

Do the survey (if you haven't done it):

Go above to re-opt in for the training
videos on Shiny Object Syndrome 
as well as the extra training materials.
You will no longer get emails from me
here once you do.

Happy Saturday!
