Subject: Your Streamlined Pinterest Strategy

Untitled Document

I’m handing you the simplest Pinterest strategy designed to get you real results for your business.

Why? I’ve researched Pinterest and many Pinterest training programs, full of great information. Most tell you that you need a strategy, then give you lots of things to do without a clear, overall plan, just tips in no sequence. Most often the results are mixed and disappointing at best. So I’ve set out a step by step plan, each pin-tactic supporting the overall strategy.

You will be receiving emails with detailed explanations of each step over the next 2 weeks.

Just go through these basic steps to build your Pinterest presence to effectively help your business – you only need to spend a few hours a week. Follow this plan on schedule, and you will see significant results in a few months.

Your Streamlined Pinterest Strategy

Lay the Foundation – 1 to 3 days

  1. Your Pinterest Profile Checkup. [< 1 hour]
    Is your profile properly set up to promote your business?
  2. Your Pinterest Board Checkup.  [< 1 hour]
    Do your boards effectively represent your business, products and services? Do they also address related interests for your target audience? Do they engage and entertain?
  3. Updating your Pinterest account. [2 hours]
    If you haven’t yet, you need to convert your Pinterest account to the new Business Account format. You also need to verify your domain. Neither is urgent, but should be done within a week or two. Now make sure your website/blog is Pinterest-friendly. Add “follow me on Pinterest” and the Pin It button to your website/blog. Make sure your site has lots for you and others to pin.
  4. Find people to follow. [2 to 4 hours]
    Sounds easy, but if you want a high-leverage strategy, you need to execute specific steps that connect you to influential people in your industry and niche. This will escalate your results while reducing the time you need to spend on Pinterest.

Build Your Community - ongoing

  1. Your daily plan. [15 to 30 minutes, daily or every other day]
    You only need to spend 15 to 30 minutes a day on Pinterest, but how you spend that time makes all the difference. Working this step exactly is key to results about 3 months down the road.
  2. Your tailored strategy [2 to 3 hours]
    2 to 4 weeks after starting Your Daily Plan.
    Here you take the observations and statistics from working your plan for a few weeks and lay out the exact steps for taking your Pinterest results to the next level.
  3. Your Daily Plan, Upgraded. [15 to 30 minutes daily]
    This is a refined version of your daily plan, tailored by the last step. You are moving on from semi-random pinning to more strategic pinning that helps you develop key relationships.
  4. Implementation of full analytics. [1 to 2 hours]
    You have been noting which boards and pins create the greatest effect already, but closer monitoring of key analytics is now called for if you want to take your results to the next level.
  5. Website / Marketing Strategy / Pinterest Strategy Tuneup. [4 to 8 hours]
    Now it’s time to step back and look at your entire business with its online presence and social media strategy as a whole. Here you optimize your integration with other social networks for even bigger impact.

You might approach this like an exercise program. Commit to following this strategy to the letter for at least a month. Remember, it takes at least 21 days to change a habit or create a new habit. After a month, interacting on Pinterest should have become a pleasant part of your routine.

Ready to start? Follow this link to Your Pinterest Profile Checkup to get the ball rolling!

Please leave comments and email us to let us know how it’s going. Happy Pinning!

Pintactfully yours,

 ps - You can access this document at


