Subject: Wow!! 217 in New York! (Predicted on Report!)
Holy Cow!!
I sent out a free report LAST NIGHT stating that
I have to improve my systems.
(The report is attached to this email.)
I specifically said that I have to move away from
working on 7 day cycles and focus on playing
on a draw to draw basis.
Then I explained one of my original systems:
the Code 3 system. This is a system that gives
you a 3 digit code. One of the 3 digits in the code
should hit on the NEXT drawing most of the time.
You will need to use one of my Code-3 programs
to get the code.
(I will be explaining to Gold members how to get
the 3 digit code by hand need to know
my formula to know how to get it without the use
of a program).
Anyway, 799 hit New York last night and the
code for it is 253, as you can see in the output
of the program below.
I said that the FIRST digit in the code should
be hitting next.
The first digit in the code (253) is 2.
217 just hit New York!
10 Numbers used: 799 322 322 797 540 636 773 460
590 156
In this particular case the number that hit next was
on the playlist for the digit 2: 127 is on the list below.
Code 2: 028 029 127 128 129 235 239 246
247 248 249 256 257 258 259 269 279 (17)
Below is the new output of the program for the
last 10 numbers for New York starting with
the 217 that just hit.
The code for 217 is 243.
Remember what I said in the report:
I am looking for 3 LOSSES or misses
before jumping in.
However, you can use the system if you want
for the next drawing.
My guess is that a 2 or a 4 will be in the
number that will hit New York tonight.
10 Numbers used: 217 799 322 322 797 540 636 773 460 590
028 029 036 037 038 039 047 048 049 127 128 129 136 137 138 139
235 236 246 247 248 249 256 257 258 259 267 268 269 346 347 348
349 356 357 358 359 367 368 369 467 468 (42)
Code 2: 028 029 127 128 129 235 236 246 247 248 249 256 257 258
259 267 268 269 (18)
Code 4: 047 048 049 246 247 248 249 346 347 348 349 467 468 (13)
Code 3: 036 037 038 039 136 137 138 139 235 236 346 347 348 349
356 357 358 359 367 368 369 (21)
The Pick 3 Coach