Subject: WIN 4 STRAIGHT: NEW Better System!
I going back into the Win 4 game.
This time I should have more success because
I have made a few improvements.
1. The new updated Win 4 coding system program
uses the last 100 numbers. This will make the
distribution much more stable. This extra stability
is needed to get straight hits. If you have access
to my programs, you can use this NEW updated program.
Win-4 Programs
> WIN 4 CODING PROGRAM <<--------Here
> PLUS 1/MINUS 1-4
2. This new program gives you the codes for
STRAIGHT Win 4 numbers.
3. I will be coding the next TWO weeks in New York.
This will add 14 more drawings (28 total in 2-draw
per day states). This means that I will be giving the
numbers more time to hit because I have learned that
using one week is not good for straight hits..two weeks
is better.
4. Identifying the top 10 straight codes would be a
good strategy. These can be played for $5 per day
at 5dimes (in 2-draw per day states), which will be
$35 spent per week (if played for 0.25 cent straight).
This will be $70 spent for 2 weeks.
The payout will be $2,250 per hit, which is EXCELLENT.
I just started coding the NY Win 4 game.
I am coding the last 14 months.
I will keep you updated.
If you want access to this NEW and IMPROVED
Win 4 coding program, you have to be a Gold
or Money Club member.
Membership is $60 for 8 weeks.
Email me if you want to join.
I just sent out 5 documents specifically
for the FLORIDA Pick 3 game.
However, these documents are useful
no matter what state you play.
If you did not get them, email me with
However, you shoudl read the first 6 documents
I sent out first.
If you did not get the 6 documents (which explain
my Pick 3 Coding System in detail) email me with
SEND 6 DOCUMENTS on the subject line of your
I just wrote a Special Report explaining the basic
coding system I will be using to code the lotto games;
Take 5, Mega Millions, Lotto, Powerball, Cash4Life, etc.
To get this Special Report, email me with
This report is FREE.
However, all future Lotto Coding Reports
will only be sent out to Money Club members.
Below is my previous email.
I have some EXCITING NEWS!
I have recently started to look into games that I previously
avoided playing because of the huge odds against winning.
My attitude now is that if I play ALL of them, my chances
of winning go up significantly. This is especially true if
an effective system is being used across the board in
ALL the games.
This basically means that now I will be applying my systems
to these lottery games: Take 5, Mega Millions, Powerball,
and the Lotto game.
As a mattter of fact...I just reduced the Take 5 game to a
unique 8 digit number. This means that I can reduce any
Take 5 number (example: 2-4-17-23-39) to a much more
simple 8 digit number. For example; a number like 14458
actually represents a FULL Take 5 number (assuming you
know my NEW Take 5 system).
I am looking to apply the same system to Mega Millions, Powerball,
and any and all lottery games. My unique coding system simplifies
any lottery game, thereby increasing the odds of getting a hit. By the
way...this is a NEW system and it does NOT require using the previous
40 drawings.
I will be sending out Special Reports on Take 5, Mega Millions,
Powerball, and the Lotto games to MONEY CLUB memberss only.
So if you are a Money Club member, you will be getting my
NEW Lottery Reports soon.
If you are not a member, I suggest you join.
Money Club membership is $60 for 8 weeks.
This gives you my Pick 3 predictions on Sunday morning
(good for the week) and access to all my programs...including
my NEW lottery programs that will be going up soon. To join,
email me with $60-MONEY CLUB on the subject line of your
email and I will send you a Paypal invoice for $60.
If you ONLY want to get my NEW Lottery Reports and Systems
dealing with Take 5, Mega Millions, Powerball, and the Lotto games
(and not my Pick 3 predictions), email me with $60-LOTTO-ONLY
on the subject line of your email. This will give you access to
all my new Lottery Reports and my programs for the next
8 weeks.
Below is my previous email.
I just sent out 6 documents that expllain
my Pick 3 Coding System in detail.
These documents are FREE.
If you did not get them, email me with
on the subject line of your email and I
will email you the documents right away.
Money Club Membership is now 8 WEEKS for $60.
That's TWO full months. You will get my hot Pick 3
numbers emailed to you on Sunday morning for
8 weeks. This includes access to all my Pick 3,
Win 4, and Pick 5 programs during the 8 weeks.
To join, email me with this on the subject line of
your email: $60-MONEY CLUB-GOLD. I will send
you a Paypal invoice for $60. I will give you 8 weeks
of Gold membership right after I get payment (or add
8 weeks if you currently have access).
You will start getting my Pick 3 predictions for your
state on Sunday morning and keep getting them for
8 weeks.
If you notice, I removed all the LUCKY PROGRAMS.
I did that because those programs are based on
OLD the numbers these programs
gave you were no good (they rarely hit).
If you want the new updated numbers for any state
I cover, I can send you the Excel sheet for that state.
Just email me with SEND ME EXCEL SHEET for X...
with X being the state you want.
You have to be a Money Club member
to get my Pick 3 predictions on Sunday
morning. The numbers are good for 7 days
(Sunday to Saturday).
Here are the details on how to join:
If you play the Pick 3 game, you should join
THE PICK 3 MONEY CLUB. This will give you
a short list of super hot box numbers to play for the
week in your state (Sunday to Saturday). These are
box numbers - however, many times the numbers
will hit STRAIGHT (so play them both box and straight).
You will get a new set of numbers to play on Sunday
morning. Membership is $60 for 8 weeks. This includes
8 weeks of GOLD membership. Gold membership gives
you access to ALL my Pick 3, Win 4, and Pick 5 programs.
You will have access to all the programs you see on the
left hand menu here:
To join, email me with this on the subject line of your email:
$60-MONEY CLUB-GOLD. I will send you a Paypal invoice
for $60. I will give you 8 weeks of Gold membership right after
I get payment (or add 8 weeks if you currently have access).
BONUS: If you play the New York Pick 3 game, you will also
get my by personal recommendations and tips for the week
for the NY Pick 3 game. If you can not pay using Paypal, you
can make your $60 payment here:
NEW: Money Club membership now gives you access to
my NEW Reports on the Take 5, Mega Millions, Powerball,
and Lotto games!
Below is an updated list of the BEST reports and
systems I currently offer.
FREE REPORTS—After you have access to my programs you can
request all my FREE Pick 3 Reports. To get them, simply email me
with SEND ALL FREE REPORTS on the subject line of your email.
You can email me at
Pick 3 Coding System in 6 documents. Documents 1, 2, and 4 are
PDF reports. I suggest you read these first. Documents 3, 5, and 6
are EXCEL sheets. Document 5 is the Excel Conversion Sheet.
Use this sheet to turn hot codes into the actual numbers to play.
Detailed instructions are provided. Here is the best part; these
documents are FREE. To get these 6 documents email me with
SEND ME 6 DOCUMENTS on the subject line of your email.
FREE 5DIMES REPORT—Many players are not aware of this, but there
is a website where you can make small 0.25 cent bets on the Pick 3 and
Win 4 games. This website also offers generous payouts on straight hits;
you will win $900 on a $1 straight hit in the Pick 3 game and $9,000 on
the Win 4 game. That website is (another URL to the same
site is You can call one of the 800 numbers you see on
the site if you want more details. You can even open up a FREE account
so you can see how the back office looks like (you can put money into
your account later). However, you better know what you are getting
yourself into BEFORE you put any money into your account. You need
to be aware of the pitfalls and TRAPS you need to avoid to use 5dimes
successfully and profitably. I have a FREE report that explains exactly
what you have to do to use 5dimes successfully. To get my FREE report
on, simply email me with SEND 5DIMES REPORT on the
subject line of your email and I will email it to you right away.