Subject: VIRGINIA is Super HOT (3 Hits Last Week)
The Lucky 7 System works best in VIRGINIA.
As a matter of fact, the system generated
3 hits last week:
964 hit on TUESDAY January 22.
641 hit on FRIDAY January 25.
192 hit on SATURDAY January 25.
Sometime this system will give you
4 or 5 hits in ONE WEEK in VA!
I just sent out the Excel sheet for VA;
if you are a Basic, Gold, or Express
member, it should be in your inbox.
If you did not get it, email me with
SEND VA SHEET on the subject line
of your email and I will send it to you.
You can also request the brand new
and updated NEW YORK Excel sheet
by emailing me with this on the subject
line of your email: SEND NY SHEET.
NOTE: EXPRESS membership is FREE.
To be added to my EXPRESS list, simply
email me with EXPRESS-ADD ME on the
subject line of your email and I will add
your email to my EXPRESS list right away.
By the way..
It does not matter if you are not in VA
or NY; you can play any state if you have
a 5dimes account.
If you have not done so already, you can
request my FREE reports that explain how
to use 5dimes effectively.
To get them, email me with this on the
subject line of your email:
SEND 5DIMES Reports.