Subject: Use “Code-Key Match” in MANY States

***Use “Code-Key Match” in MANY states***

The Code-Key Match is one of the best programs I have ever
come up with but there is a downside to it; it’s a waiting game.

You have to WAIT for a matching digit to show up.

If you only play your state, you may be waiting around for a
while before a matching digit shows up.

That is why this program is ideal for playing in multiple states.
Simply go around several states, put in the last 10 drawings
and see if there is a match or not. Only play in those states
where you find a match; ignore the rest.

Luckily, you can play just about every state at so
that helps a lot.

Do this and you will have a state to play everyday if want.

UPTDATE: A brand new program will be up in a day or two:
Digit Playlist 55. This program is a variation of the Digit Playlist
program. The only difference is that the numbers are based on
my shorter Basic-55 list. Therefore, this program will give you
a shorter list of numbers for any digit or set of digits you enter.

The Pick 3 Coach
April 25, 2013