Subject: The OHIO and FLORIDA Codes are Ready!

I have a new service where I write a
report for you containing the updated
codes for your state.

You get this report in 1 or 2 weeks..
and usually it will be in 1 week.

I describe this service on this page:

Look in the middle of the page...the
section titled: "Let Me Do The Work For You".

Two people requested the reports
for OHIO and FLORIDA last week.

I just completed the reports and
I sent it to them.

These reports contain the most up to
date codes for these two states.

ALL the details are there is nothing
for you to figure out...just enter the 60 numbers
for OHIO or FLORIDA starting from the last number
that will hit this coming Saturday (July 23) into
the R60 Decoding program, and look for the
HOT CODES provided in these reports.

Look at the number on the right of every code.

THOSE are the numbers you will play next
week: July 24 to July 30.

IN ADDITION...they will also be getting
Book-45 where I explain in DETAIL how
to identify the 8 hottest digits you need
to use System 88 in both Ohio and Florida.
Book-45 will be out this coming Sunday,
July 23.

(I will be making a small FORTUNE $$
using System 88...just wait and see!!)

Anyway...these reports are available right now.

This means that if you purchase them today,
you will get them will not have to wait.

You can get them for just $9....this will
be for the REPORT only.

For $60, you will get much more:

(1) The list of codes.
(2) 60 days of VIP access.
(3) 60 day membership to the 7 Day Club.
This means that you will NOT have to pay $12 for
7 day club membership between now and SEPT 20!!
(4) An explanation of how to identify the 8 hottest digits
in your state so you can use System 88 every week.
However, just knowing the digits will be useful. This
explanation will be provided in BOOK-45, out this
coming Sunday!! You will get this Book if you pay
for this service, whether you are on the 7 day club
or not.

So you can have either of these reports for
either $9 or $60.

If interested, email me with this on the subject
line of your email:


If you want the VIP Special, write:
$60--VIP-60 Days--OHIO REPORT

My email is

IF you want me to get the codes for your
state, the price is $60 and you will get
the report in a week or two.

This $60 will give you the bonuses
I just mentioned:

(1) The list of codes.
(2) 60 days of VIP access.
(3) 60 day membership to the 7 Day Club.
(4) Book-45 which will explain how to identify
the 8 digits you need to use System 88.

If you are interested email me with this on the
subject line of your email: “$60 VIP – Codes for X”-
with X being your state.

So write “$60 VIP – Codes for New Jersey”
if you want the codes for NJ for example.

My email is

OHHH.....Today is My Birthday!!

The Pick 3 Coach
July 20, 2016