Subject: The DR20 Trick for VIRGINIA
The DR20 Trick for VIRGINIA
Money Club Members: Check your inbox.
I just sent you a new report (if you dont see it,
check your spam folder).
Non-Members: You can download my NEW
report on my last blog post:
or here:
Have you learned anything from me lately?
Have my systems or programs helped you get a better
understanding of the game?
If that is the case, I would like for you to write down what
you have learned. Then post this as a review to my
newest Kindle.
If you do that, I will say THANK YOU by giving you
60 day access to all my programs.
Here is my newest Kindle:
STRATEGY 51-51-80
You should have the FIRST part of this already
because I posted it as a free report. However,
the second part of this Kindle has NEW information
on how to narrow down the last two sets of 51 followers
to a short list of about 19 to 25 numbers. These numbers
hit MORE frequently than the 17 followers. This kindle
explains my absolute BEST Pick 3 system as of
May 2020.
So here is what you do:
1-Purchase it (its just $2.99).
This is required to make your review a Verified Review.
I will only give you 60 days if you purchase the Kindle.
You have to purchase it to make it a Verified Review.
2-Wait at least 2 days.
If you post your review the same day you purchase
the Kindke, Amazon will not post it.
3-Then post your positive 5 star review.
In your review you can write about the followers or
about anything you have learned from me recently.
This should be a short paragraph-NOT one or two
sentenses. If you want me to take a look at it first,
you can email it to me.
4-Wait for your review to go live (it usually takes
about 24 hours).
5-Once your review is live, email me the link to it.
Tell me the name that is on your reivew.
6-Once I see it, I will give you 60 days access to my
programs (and you only had to pay $2.99 for it!).
If you have access to my programs now, I will add
60 days to your account. is the Kindle:
FREE Reports!
You can use my Pick 3 programs for the next
3 months for $30. This will only give you access
to the programs (it does not include my weekly
Pick 3 predictions). If you are interested, email
me with $30-3-MONTH ACCESS on the subject
line of your email and I will send you a Paypal
invoice for $30. I will give you access after
I get payment.
Details on how to join the Money Club are below.
If you play the Pick 3 game, you should join
THE MONEY CLUB. This will give you 8 super hot Pick 3
numbers to play for the week in your state from Sunday
to Saturday. Play these numbers both box and straight
for both the midday and evening drawings. Most of the
hits will be box - but sometimes one or more of the
numbers will hit straight. You will get a new set of numbers
to play on Sunday morning as long as you are a member.
Membership is $60 for 3 MONTHS. This includes 3 months
of Gold membership. Gold membership gives you access
to ALL my Pick 3, Win 4, Pick 5, and Take 5 programs.
To join, email me with this on the subject line of your email:
$60-MONEY CLUB. I will send you a Paypal invoice for $60.
After I get your payment, your membership will be good for
3 months. If you can not pay using Paypal, you can make
your payment here: