Subject: TEXAS, VA, NY, FL, ON (Lucky Programs Updated!)

Good News!

The Lucky programs for TEXAS, Virginia, New York,
Florida, and Ontario (Canada) will be updated
later this week. This means that the programs
will be giving super hot numbers over the next
few weeks since they will be based on the best
and most recent codes.

If you have not done so already, I suggest you
join the 7 Day Club; its just $10 for 4 weeks.

To join, email me with $10-Lucky 7 Club
on the subject line of your email and I will
send you a Paypal invoice for $10 right away.

I will soon be sending out HOT Win 4 numbers
for SOUTH CAROLINA (in a day or two).

This will be FREE.

This is a NEW list which is more accurate than
my previous list based on the ABCDE system.

This new list is based on the two hottest digits
in the Win 4 game. These are the two digits
most likely to hit as TRIPLES.

This NEW list of hot Win 4 numbers is made up
of mostly TRIPLES. This list has 20 Win 4 numbers
(18 triples and 2 straight numbers).

I recently provided the list for NY and OHIO:

For $60 I can give you the list for your state (within
2 to 3 days). To get this new hot list of Win 4 numbers
for your state, email me with this on the subject line
of your email: $60-WIN 4 NUMBERS for X (X is the
state you want the numbers for).

Gold membership gives you access to ALL my
Pick 3, Pick 4, and Pick 5 programs.

You can pay for Gold membership with Paypal
(just email me with $60-GOLD on the subject line
of our email and I will send you an invoice).

You can also pay for Gold membership on this page:

Email me after you make your payment of $60 and I
will email you the username and password to login.

If you play the North Carolina Win 4 game,
you should purchase my brand new Kindle:

18 Straight Numbers for NORTH CAROLINA (Win 4)

Below is an updated list of the BEST reports and
systems I currently offer.

FREE 10 DAY TRAINING—Go here for details:

FREE REPORTS—After you have access to my programs you can
request all my FREE Pick 3 Reports. To get them, simply email me
with SEND ALL FREE REPORTS on the subject line of your email.
You can email me at

You can request my free Win 4 Straight Number system
(based on my ABCDE Coding System) by emailing me with
SEND WIN 4 STRAIGHT on the subject line of your email.

You can request my free PICK 5 Straight Number system
(based on my ABCDE Coding System) by emailing me with
SEND PICK 5 STRAIGHT on the subject line of your email.

FREE 5DIMES REPORT—Many players are not aware of this, but there
is a website where you can make small 0.25 cent bets on the Pick 3 and
Win 4 games. This website also offers generous payouts on straight hits;
you will win $900 on a $1 straight hit in the Pick 3 game and $9,000 on
the Win 4 game. That website is (another URL to the same
site is You can call one of the 800 numbers you see on
the site if you want more details. You can even open up a FREE account
so you can see how the back office looks like (you can put money into
your account later). However, you better know what you are getting
yourself into BEFORE you put any money into your account. You need
to be aware of the pitfalls and TRAPS you need to avoid to use 5dimes
successfully and profitably. I have a FREE report that explains exactly
what you have to do to use 5dimes successfully. To get my FREE report
on, simply email me with SEND 5DIMES REPORT on the
subject line of your email and I will email it to you right away.

JOIN THE LUCKY 7 CLUB—As a member of the Lucky 7 Club you
will get the Lucky 7 numbers emailed to you on Sunday morning;
the numbers will be good for the next 7 days (Sunday to Saturday).
Membership is just $10 and is good for 4 weeks. To join, email me
with $10-Lucky 7 Club on the subject line of your email and I will
send you a Paypal invoice for $10.

I discuss my 7 Day Coding System here:
My Lucky 7 System is based on this 7 Day Coding System. I currently
have an email based Training with 32 lessons that teaches you BOTH
my 7 Day Coding System and my Lucky 7 system. If you want to learn
how my 7 Day Coding System works and also how to get the Lucky 7
numbers on your own, I suggest you take this Training. This is an email
based Training that will teach you (step by step) how to identify super hot
Pick 3 and Win 4 numbers in your state (the system works on both the
Pick 3 and Pick 4 games). The Training is $60. The Training includes
the PDF edition of this Kindle:
To take the Training, email me with $60-PDF-LUCKY 7 TRAINING on
the subject line of your email I will send you a Paypal invoice for $60.
You will get the PDF and the first lesson right after I get your payment.

BASIC MEMBERSHIP (3 Months)—Basic membership gives you
access to all my Pick 3 programs, including all the Lucky-7 programs.
Membership is only $20 for 3 months of membership. If interested,
email me with this on the subject line of your email:
$20-BASIC-3 MONTHS and I will email you a Paypal invoice for
$20. After I get payment I will email you a username and password
to access the programs.

GOLD MEMBERSHIP (6 Months)-Gold membership gives you
access to ALL my Pick 3, Pick 4, and Pick 5 programs. Gold
membership is 6 months for $60. If interested, email me with
$60-GOLD-6 MONTHS on the subject line of your email and
I will send you a Paypal invoice for $60. I will give you access
right after I get payment. Email me at

If you can not pay using Paypal, you can pay on this page: