Subject: TEXAS: P3/P4 Sheets up Soon

I will be focusing completely on the Texas game
because of the 4 chances to hit in one day.

I will first put up the Tx Pick 3 excel sheet.
This will be ready later this week.

Then I will put up the Pick 4 excel sheet.

My coding system works best when there are
several opportunities for a hit...and having
4 chances of hitting on the same day is
way better than having just 2 opportunities.

Oh...I don't live in Texas..but I can play Tx numbers here:

The NEW Pick 4 Coding System

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I am now offering this Special (only good this week):

You can use all my programs for 2 years for just $69.

If interested, email me with $69-2 YEAR SPECIAL
on the subject line of your email and I will send you a
Paypal invoice for $69. I will give you access right after
I get your payment. If you currently have access,
I will add 2 years to your account.

If you can't pay via Paypal, email me for other options.

REMINDER: I will be posting 8 numbers for every state on this list soon:

The list will go out on Sunday morning.
The 8 numbers will be good for the week.

FREE Reports



You can now pay via CashApp for any product.

Payment can be sent to my CashApp account: $AANewYork4000

You can pay for any product on this page:

(1) Pay for the product.
(2) Email me and tell me what you purchased.
(3) I will give you access to the product.

Payment can be sent to my CashApp account: $AANewYork4000