Subject: Pick 5, Pick 4, ABCDE, Money List

How are you? Anymore good news?
The pick 5 is kicking me on the side of my head
but at least I got a couple box hits so far using the
ABCDE system.

You definitely have to stick with box numbers
with the Pick 5 game (example; 56891, 78123).

I actually think that you should focus on the
Win 4 game.

I have the ABCDE programs set up for this
already; so coding the Win 4 game will be easier.

> ABC GROUP MATCHING (Win 4) <<<------HERE
> ABCDE-123 (Pick 3)
> ABCDE-12345 CONVERTER <<<------HERE

Also...if you can not get a box or straight hit in the
Win 4 game....its NOT going to happen in the
Pick 5 game.

Something to think about.

By the way, I have TWO FREE reports that give you
more details on the ABCDE System. If you want them,
email me with SEND 2-ABCDE REPORTS on the
subject line of your email and I will send them to you
right away.

You will need Gold membership to access these ABCDE
programs. You can get 5 months of Gold membership
for $60 (from now to OCTOBER of this year). As a
Gold member you will have access to ALL my Pick 3,
Win 4, and Pick 5 programs. More details below.

GOLD MEMBERSHIP (5 Months)-Gold membership gives you
access to ALL my Pick 3 and WIN 4 programs. If interested,
email me with this on the subject line of your email:
$60-GOLD-5 MONTHS and I will send you a Paypal invoice
for $60. I will give you access right after I get payment.
Email me at

I have a separate list where I discuss MAKING MONEY
online. This is a private list and I will be sending
out more emails to this list over the next few weeks
because I recently found something that really works
online. If you want to join this private list (it has
nothing to do with the lottery; just making money
online), email me with ADD ME TO MONEY LIST
on the subject line of your email and I will add you
right away.

Below you will find a list of my best Reports,
Training and Membership levels. Some of the
reports listed below are FREE.

FREE HIT REPORT—To get a list of all the hits from the Lucky 7 System
for the last few weeks, email me with SEND HIT REPORT on the subject
line of your email and I will email it to you right away.

JOIN THE LUCKY 7 CLUB—As a member of the Lucky 7 Club you will get
the Lucky 7 numbers emailed to you on Sunday morning; the numbers
will be good for the next 7 days (Sunday to Saturday). Membership is
just $10 and is good for 4 weeks. To join, email me with $10-Lucky 7 Club
on the subject line of your email and I will send you a Paypal invoice for
$10. You can email me at

THE 7 DAY CODING SYSTEM—The Lucky 7 System is based on my
BEST system: the 7 Day Coding System, which I discuss here: - By the way…taking the Lucky 7
Training (explained below) is a shortcut to learning the 7 Day Coding
System. In other words, when you take the Training, you will learn how
BOTH systems work (the Lucky 7 and the 7 Day Coding System).

LUCKY 7 TRAINING—If you want to learn how to get the Lucky 7 numbers
on your own, I suggest you take my Lucky 7 Training program. This is an
email based Training that will teach you (step by step) how to identify the
Lucky 7 numbers in your state. The Training is just $20 and explains this
amazing system from beginning to end. To take the Training, just email
me with $20-LUCKY 7 TRAINING on the subject line of your email I will
send you a Paypal invoice for $20. You will get the first lesson right
I get your payment.

POSITIONAL TRACKING SYSTEM—The number 587 hit New York on
Thursday March 7, 2019. The number 875 was one of the 14 numbers
predicted by the New York Lucky 14 program for the week. I hit 587 box -
but I only played 3 numbers. That's right…only 3 numbers!
QUESTION: How did I reduce the 14 Lucky numbers for NY down to
just 3 numbers?
ANSWER: I used my Positional Tracking System. This is a system you
can use to reduce the 7 or 14 Lucky numbers my programs give you
down to just 3 or 4 numbers. I only teach this system in Lesson 32 of
my Lucky 7 Training. Lesson 32 is near the END of the Training. However,
there is a way for you to get this lesson without having to take the full
Training. You can get Lesson 32 (along with another very important
lesson; Lesson 17) just by themselves (without having to take the full
Training). BONUS: This offer gives you Lessons 17, 32 - PLUS 30 day
access to my programs. You will get all this for just $17. If interested,
email me with this on the subject line of your email:
$17-Lessons 17-32-30 Days and I will send you a Paypal invoice for $17.
I will email you lessons 17 and 32 right after I get payment. Read lesson
32 right away to learn the secret method I use to reduce the Lucky 14
numbers down to just 3 or 4 numbers. I will also give you 30 day access
to my programs (or add 30 days if you currently have access). You can
email me at

BASIC MEMBERSHIP (3 Months)—Basic membership gives you access
to all my Pick 3 programs, including all the Lucky-7 programs. Membership
is only $20 for 3 months of membership. If interested, email me with this
on the subject line of your email: $20-BASIC-3 MONTHS and I will email
you a Paypal invoice for $20. After I get payment I will email you a
username and password to access the programs.

FREE REPORTS—After you have access to my programs you can
request all my FREE Pick 3 Reports. To get them, simply email me
with SEND ALL FREE REPORTS on the subject line of your email.

LOTTERY WISDOM—I was heavily committed to the WIN 4 game for
several months - but recently I changed my mind and now I am 100%
focused to the PICK 3 GAME (especially after discovering the Lucky 7
System). Why did I turn my back on the Win 4 game? To learn why,
request my FREE Lottery Wisdom report. To get it, email me with
SEND LOTTERY WISDOM REPORT on the subject line of your email.

GOLD MEMBERSHIP (3 Months)—Gold membership gives you access
to ALL my Pick 3 and WIN 4 programs. You can see the full list of
programs on the menu on the left here:
Gold Membership is $60 for 3 months. If interested, email me with
$60-GOLD-3 MONTHS on the subject line of your email and I will send
you a Paypal invoice for $60. I will email you a username and password
to login after I get payment.

GOLD MEMBERSHIP (Month-to-Month)—For a limited time you can
pay for Gold membership on a month to month basis ($20 per month).
If interested, email me with this on the subject line of your email:
$20-GOLD-1 Month.

HOW TO HAVE YOUR STATE ADDED—If you do not see your state
on the list below, I can put up a Lucky program for your state for $40.
This is for a limited time you should act on this quickly!
If you want me to add your state, email me with this on the subject line
of your email: $ if you want me to add a Lucky program
for Connecticut, you would email me with this on the subject line of your


HOW TO HAVE YOUR STATE UPDATED—These Lucky programs should
be updated about every 2 months (you will notice that the numbers
generated by the programs will not be so “lucky” after 2 months). I may
or may not update a particular program every 2 months (depends on how
busy I am) - however, you can request an update for any program at any
time for just $40. This pays for me updating the codes (using the codes of
the last 25 weeks) and putting up a new updated version of the program.
To have a program updated, email me with $40-UPDATE-X on the subject
line of your email with X being the state you want updated.

FREE 5DIMES REPORT—Many players are not aware of this, but there is
a website where you can make small 0.25 cent bets on the Pick 3 and
Win 4 games. This website also offers generous payouts on straight hits;
you will win $900 on a $1 straight hit in the Pick 3 game and $9,000 on
the Win 4 game. That website is (another URL to the same
site is You can call one of the 800 numbers you see on the
site if you want more details. You can even open up a FREE account so
you can see how the back office looks like (you can put money into your
account later). However, you better know what you are getting yourself into

BEFORE you put any money into your account. You need to be aware of
the pitfalls and TRAPS you need to avoid to use 5dimes successfully
and profitably. I have a FREE report that explains exactly what you have
to do to use 5dimes successfully. To get my FREE report on,
simply email me with SEND 5DIMES REPORT on the subject line of
your email and I will email it to you right away.