Subject: ONE Key System-Georgia

ONE Key System-Georgia

The Due Pairs Experiment

This is an experiment.

I know for a fact that in NEW YORK the most due pair from the
3-DUE Pairs program tends to hit in the next 2 to 8 drawings –
so I am trying to see if that is the case in other states. I want to find
out two things: how soon the due pair hits and how many hits there
will be during a 2-week period (I am looking for 3 to 5 hits).

So I am not asking anybody to play any of these pairs just yet.
Instead, WAIT to see which of the 11 states gets the most hits
(this will be clear in about 2 weeks). Then you can play the most
due pair in that state.

In the meantime, if your state is not one of the 11 states,
I suggest you run the same experiment; get the most due pair
and see when it hits (write the pair and the date it hits).

Do this for the next 2 weeks.
See how soon the due pair tends to hit and the total number of hits.

Hits in PENN and TENN


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I just got a disturbing email regarding BAS

You have to assume that criminals are behind this website.

That is why I give this product away for free:

You should download and read the reports I have posted
here BEFORE you open an account with BAS.

For example....
I tell people to use a DEBIT card when funding their account
....not their credit card.

IMPORTANT: You do NOT want these people having access
to your Credit Card or Bank Account.

Yes...criminals run the website...but you can benefit
if you are SMART when you use BAS.

And WHY should you use BAS?

Because you can make small 0.25 cent bets.
Because a $1 box bet pays $150 ($300 for a double).
Because they pay $900 on a $1 straight hit.
AND because they actually PAY YOU when you get a HIT!

That is why they are still in business.
They actually pay you.

Insofar as getting your money out...ask them.
You CAN get your money out.

You just have to make sure that you do NOT fund
your account using your Credit Card or Bank Account.
There is no telling what will happen if these people
get a hold of this information.

When possible, fund your account with a Debit Card
(limited amount of money there) or with Bitcoin.

Bottom line: Be cautious when using BAS.

ALSO: You have to be EXTREMELY self-disciplined when
you use BAS because playing is just TOO EASY. You don't
even have to leave your house; you can literally play
the Lotto 24/7.

WARNING: I remember winning something like $2000 once
at BAS - but it was gone within a week because I started
to play without any discipline ("let me play this...and
this..and this super-hot number here...").

So the convenience that BAS provides can make you get
sloppy and make your self-discipline go out the window.

SUGGESTION: Give yourself a set of RULES that you will
always follow. WRITE these Rules on a Notebook and read
these Rules once a week.

For example (X is the amount of money that works for you):

"I only play on these days: (list the days you play..)
"I never spend more than X on a number."
"I will only spend X per day."
"The maximum I spend per day is X"
"The maximum I spend per week is X" etc.

Create a set of Rules that will protect you from BAS
and follow them ALL the time.

If you cannot follow your own Rules, do NOT play at BAS.


You can now pay via CashApp for any product.

Payment can be sent to my CashApp account: $AANewYork4000

You can pay for any product on this page:

(1) Pay for the product.
(2) Email me and tell me what you purchased.
(3) I will give you access to the product.

Payment can be sent to my CashApp account: $AANewYork4000