Subject: New Jersey: D1-D1-A (191-191-140) - April 16-17

***New Jersey: D1-D1-A (191-191-140)***

New Jersey had two back to back doubles on
the 12th and 13th: 191-191

In the Positional Tracking System, these are
D1 numbers (doubles), which are followed by
one of the 30 A group numbers.

A numbers are hot numbers; they hit alot.

Sure enough, the A-group number 140 hit right after.

And the number 014 just happens to be the very
first number on the New Jersey A list, which you
can see below.

By the way, a double just hit New Jersey tonight,
April 15 (141) and another double hit yesterday
too; 699.

All this means that there is a good chance that
one of the 30 A-group numbers below will hit
NJ in the next 4 drawings.

The New Jersey A Group Numbers
014 016 023 026 027 029 034 047 057 058
067 078 079 129 134 145 146 147 157 169
178 189 235 248 257 269 478 578 589 689

NOTE: The A-group numbers that I am giving for the states
are HOT numbers for that specific state. So keep this list handy
if you play New Jersey numbers; you will see them hitting over
and over again for a while.

The Pick 3 Coach