Subject: NEW Program: 20-Due Pairs
I have found that knowing what are the top 10 most
due pairs is very useful so - you will be seeing a new
program soon that will tell you what are the 10 most
due pairs in your state.
Here are the program instructions:
Enter the last 100 numbers that hit your state starting from the most
recent and going back (midday, evening, midday, evening… etc.). This
program will start removing box pairs starting from the most recent number
that hit your state. For example, if 369 is the most recent number that
hit, this program will remove pairs 36, 39, and 69 from the 55 pairs in the
Pick 3 game. If 250 hit before that, it will remove pairs 25, 02, and 05,
and so forth. This program will continue removing pairs until there are 10
pairs left. These are the 10 coldest and most due pairs. The most due (or
coldest pair) is the first pair (pair 17 below). The second most due pair
is next to it (14), the third most due pair is next (15), and so forth.
17 14 15 05 07
67 89 01 35 49
There are 100 box numbers listed in the output that correspond to these 10
due pairs and one or more of these 100 numbers will hit in the next 1 to 14
drawings. The doubles on the list are shown underneath. STRATEGY-1:
Copy all 100 numbers and paste them into the Group Matching System
program. Look at the 2-way, 3-way, 4-way, etc. numbers. These numbers
are HOT. STRATEGY-2-Get the Rundown List (in the Best Program section).
Enter the 100 numbers from this program and the 80 numbers in the
Rundown List (which are the 80 most due box numbers) into the Group
Matching System to find the numbers that show up on both lists. There are
also very HOT numbers for the next few drawings.
The output is shown below (SAMPLE ONLY).
The coldest pair is the first one (17), then the next
coldest pair (14), and so forth. The playlist is underneath.
The doubles on the list are shown as well.
10-Due Pairs
100 Numbers used:
824 978 638 345 688 956 756 756 680 310
372 452 343 186 946 112 457 210 873 423
931 403 661 166 624 920 388 707 033 786
063 218 836 924 244 921 522 568 095 511
794 345 499 882 629 309 314 325 712 088
228 155 550 649 681 069 796 490 665 365
389 917 831 836 406 710 768 363 286 762
927 495 968 542 803 959 413 632 988 995
460 291 498 993 756 133 429 716 949 570
071 279 201 158 674 204 705 822 150 383
The 10 Most Due Pairs
17 14 15 05 07
67 89 01 35 49
The Playlist
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059
070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079
670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679
890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899
010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019
350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359
490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
001 005 007 011 055 077 114 115 117 144
155 177 335 355 449 499 667 677 889 899 (20)
This program will replace the 20 Due Pairs program.
This program will take its place.
This program will be up in 1 to 3 days.
Pairs Programs
> 20-DUE PAIRS <<<<<=======NEW Program!
If you have access to my programs, great.
If not, you can access this and all my Basic programs
for 3 MONTHS (now to JULY 15) for just $20.
If interested, email me with $20-3 MONTH SPECIAL
on the subject line of your email and I will send you
a Paypal invoice for $20. I will give you access
right after I get payment.