Subject: How to Get a Straight Hit with the Leader System
Have you determined if any state hits more frequently? Seems like Maryland
has been pretty hot in the last 3 weeks. Was doing some testing of running
3-4 states straight so 31.5 to 42 dollars per draw (including the leader) and
using a martingale betting strategy to up the bet if the amount won wouldn't
cover the loses. Worked pretty well till this week, hasn't hit in any of the
states I've been following yet, so might get a couple of hits next week.
Do you use any other betting strategy other than always betting
the same regardless of how much your down?
A strategy I am considering is only playing those states that have not
shown a hit in the last 3 weeks. These may be hard to come by because
there is almost always a hit after two consecutive losing weeks. This
will only require playing this one state, so it will be 36 straight numbers
(6x6). It may be less numbers if the list of followers has one or two doubles
(which happens from time to time). Also, I would not include the leader
because I am now seeing that they don't hit that much; so only playing the
6 followers would cut down on the money spent. It would be safe to assume
that a hit would definately come on the 4th or 5th week - and the hit would
be straight.