Subject: FREE Reports, $40 EXTENSION, Special Review

If you have not done so already,
you can request my FREE Pick 3 reports.

To get them, email me with
on the subject line of your email.

I am extending my $40 Special on
Gold membership for a few more days
(the original email explaining the Special
is below).

If you want a list of my other FREE reports,
email me with SEND RTM REPORT
on the subject line of your email.

I need reviewers for a special Kindle I just
put up on Amazon. I will give you a YEARS
worth of GOLD membership (12 months) if
you put up a review for this....if interested,
email me with...
on the subject line of your email.

Below is the email I sent out explaining
my $40 Gold Special.

I just gave someone a "super" special on Gold I figure I make the offer to
everybody else. Below is my current Gold special
(5 months for $60) - but this one is better
(but it is only only good for 48 hours):

Get 6 MONTHS of GOLD membership for $40.

You will have to act on this fast.
If interested, email me with this on the
subject line of your email:

GOLD MEMBERSHIP (5 Months)-Gold membership gives you
access to ALL my Pick 3 and WIN 4 programs. The normal price
is 3 months for $60. However, I am running a Special now: now
you can get 5 MONTHS of Gold membership for $60; that’s now
until OCTOBER of this year. If interested, email me with this on
the subject line of your email: $60-GOLD-5 MONTHS and I will
send you a Paypal invoice for $60. I will give you access right
after I get payment. Email me at