Subject: Delay in Book-27 (Get PDF for $9.99 + 30 Day Access)
There are some errors in Book-27 that I had
to correct this morning.
I resent the document to be formatted for
Kindle this I am not sure if
I will get it back today.
But you can get the PDF version of Book-27
from me for the same price: $9.99.
And just to sweeten the deal...I will give you
30 day access as well.
This means that you will get the book and
a months access to my programs for just $9.99.
(If you already have access, I will add 30 days
to your account).
I will email you Book-27 right away after I get payment.
Just email me with "$9.99 - Book-27 + 30 days"
on the subject line at
I will send you a Paypal invoice right away for $9.99.
For faster service...send me $9.99 via Paypal
(same email: and write this
on the Notes section: Book-27 + 30 days.
Below is the hit report for the last book, Book-26.
Book-26 had 72 hits!!
The 72 Hits from Book-26
Sunday-Mar 13
Arkansas: 263 (236)
California: 267 (267)
Washington DC: 014 (014)
Georgia: 762 (267)
Illinois: 639 (369)
Maryland: 951 (159)
Michigan: 162 (126)
New Jersey: 920 (029)
Ontario: 283 (238)
Virginia: 389 (389)
Virginia: 359 (359)
Monday-Mar 14
California: 801 (018)
California: 781 (178)
Colorado: 802 (028)
Florida: 742 (247)
Georgia: 246 (246)
Michigan: 815 (158)
South Carolina: 832 (238)
Tuesday-Mar 15
California: 209 (029)
Washington DC: 854 (458)
Georgia: 468 (468)
Maryland: 157 (157)
New Jersey: 548 (458)
Ontario: 935 (359)
Ontario: 085 (058)
Pennsylvania: 645 (456)
Pennsylvania: 679 (679)
Texas: 041 (014)
Texas: 325 (235)
Wednesday- Mar 16
Washington DC: 168 (168)
Maryland: 719 (179)
Maryland: 705 (057)
New Jersey: 489 (489)
Ontario: 928 (289)
Texas: 805 (058)
Virginia: 064 (046)
Thursday- Mar 17
Arizona: 268 (268)
California: 160 (016)
Georgia: 645 (456)
Illinois: 590 (059)
Indiana: 213 (123)
Missouri: 628 (268)
North Carolina: 914 (149)
Ontario: 632 (236)
Pennsylvania: 601 (016)
Texas: 234 (234)
Virginia: 608 (068)
Friday- Mar 18
Arizona: 210 (012)
Arkansas: 176 (167)
Arkansas: 713 (137)
California: 829 (289)
Connecticut: 861 (168)
Colorado: 689 (689)
Georgia: 194 (149)
Illinois: 160 (016)
Illinois: 670 (067)
Michigan: 216 (126)
Michigan: 261 (126)
North Carolina: 914 (149)
South Carolina: 609 (069)
Saturday- Mar 19
Arkansas: 706 (067)
Maryland: 075 (057)
Maryland: 075 (057)
Michigan: 312 (123)
Missouri: 913 (139)
New York: 906 (069)
North Carolina: 416 (146)
Ohio: 346 (346)
Ontario: 096 (069)
Texas: 598 (589)
Texas: 092 (029)
Virginia: 329 (239)