Subject: 3 Days Left! (GOLD Special)
I offer 4 levels of membership:
1-FREE 10 Day Training.
This level is completely FREE.
Go here for details:
This level is also free. At this level you get all my
new reports right away. You get them before my
general list gets it. Sometimes I send out special
reports just to this list (and not to my general list).
To join my Express list, simply email me with
EXPRESS-ADD ME on the subject line of your
This level gives you access to my Pick 3 programs
only. Here you get 3 months of Basic membership
for $20. You also get all the reports sent to my
Express list. To get 3 months of BASIC membership
(and access to all my Pick 3 programs) email me
with this on the subject line of your email:
$20-BASIC-3 MONTHS and I will send you a Paypal
invoice for $20. After I get payment I will send you
a username and password to access the programs
This level gives you access to both my Pick 3 and
Win 4 programs. You need this level of membership
to access the special Win 4 programs for GA, NC,
NY, TX, etc. Here you get 3 months of Gold membership
for $60. You also get all the reports sent to my Express list.
You can see my programs on the left hand menu here:
====GOLD 4 MONTH Special====
I am running a Special on Gold membership until
the end of the year.
So this Special is only good for today, Sunday,
and Monday (December 29, 30, 31).
Normally Gold membership is $60 for 3 months:
but you can request 4 months of Gold membership
anytime from now until midnight December 31.
If interested, email me with this on the subject line
of your email: $60-GOLD 4 MONTHS.
I will send you a Paypal invoice for $60. After I get
payment, I will give you access to ALL my Win 4
and Pick 3 programs for the next 4 months; now
to APRIL 2019.
You can see my programs on the left hand menu here:
My best system is the 7 Day Coding System which
I explain here:
Start with the Kindle...its just $2.99.
You can learn more about my Systems, Reports, etc. here:
Go to the bottom of this page to get my recent Reports
for FREE:
Click on the links to open the PDF.