Subject: 3-DTD keys
Today is Monday September 15.
The top 3 digits of the DTD program are better than
the regular key digits and even the Code-3 digits.
I am thinking of calling these the 3-DTD keys or digits.
For example, I am expecting a 4, 6 or 2 to hit
New York TODAY.
DTD Reference Box/Playlist
10 Numbers used: 389 146 559 033 369 177 078 577 788 468
DTD Reference Box
4 6 2
1 5 7
0 9 8
9 3 3
6 8 5
By the way, I found out through a lot of back testing
this weekend that the Up pattern in the DTD program
is actually the dominant pattern.
This means that most of the time you will
see digits from the top of the DTD box hitting.
(Things may be different in your state but this
is true for New York, Florida, and several other
I also found that if a day goes by when one of the
3-DTD keys do NOT hit, there is like a 99% chance
that one of them will hit the day after!
That’s right: 99%.
I will have more to say about this in a new report
I am writing now. However, you will have to be
paid member to read this report; it will not be free.
The Pick 3 Coach.