Subject: 187 in NY---3 Quick Announcements:

First of all, my systems got the 187 that just hit New York:
NY results:

Secondly, I want to make 3 quick announcements:

1. The Code-3 will be up on today or tomorrow.

2. Another new program will be up as well; The Digit Playlist. This program
gives you the playlist for any set of digits. You can enter one (3), two
(45), three (940) or more digits and the program will instantly give you a
list of the best numbers to play for those digits.

3. New Home page text for The text on the homepage right
now describes the key digit system and was meant to be temporary. I am now
writing the official text for the home page where I provide links to my
older systems, describe my coaching program in more detail, and tell you
about my future programs. This new updated home page will be up in a week
or two.

Anthony, the Pick 3 Coach