Subject: 018 Straight in NY - FREE ACCESS (July 13)
I put up the 4-Way Match Report program on my site last night.
I put up the predictions of the program for New York last night
as well on my forum as you can see here:
And guess what?
The very FIRST number on the 4-way list hit straight!
018 hit straight on Friday evening in New York (July 12).
Isn't that just amazing!
Remember: this program is good for the next two drawings so the
post I put the night before is good the the following days midday
and evening drawing.
And for those of you who are new; you can use my programs for
FREE until July 15.
Some people have been getting hits by the way while just
"testing out" my programs during this free trial!
I hope you hit as well.
Here is the log in information again:
Sign in page:
User id: TEST
Password: 12345