Subject: Namibia calling :-)

- N E W S L E T T E R -
2 Dezember 2020
Dear Namibia lover,

unfortunately this newsletter's NEWS is NOT for all of you ... and I am truly sorry about it.

It's for all Germans of the world, for all German speaking in the universe and possibly for those who enjoy reading German, but hardly understand a word :-). 

It's about my new book 'Nashorn Nirwana' - which is only availabe in German. [Side note: I first have to find an English translator, who grasps the Bavarian touch of the book, or do it myself ...]

So to all my German fellas:
I am soooo happy to announce that you can now pre-order 'Nashorn Nirwana', the new fun travel crime story playing in Namibia's grand wilderness

And by the way: Non-Bavarians e
qually enjoy the book - we've tried and tested it! 
So please feel free to check it out.

PS: Did I mention that some of the poceeds will go to Save The Rhino Trust in Namibia?
HALT - Eine Warnung: Dieses Buch hat Nebenwirkungen - Es versetzt in Urlaubsstimmung und macht gute Laune ... ich habe Sie gewarnt :-)! 

Zum Inhalt:
Wahnsinns-Sommerfeeling, bayrische Schmankerl wie ‚dahoam‘ und Hammer-Wildnis: die vier Dorffreunde Fritz, Paul, Sepp und Hans sind vollauf begeistert von ihrer Namibia-Rundreise. Gemütlich cruisen sie durch Wüste und Savanne, da stolpern sie mitten hinein in einen brisanten Fall von Nashorn-Wilderei. Doch mit bayrischem Gemüt, geballtem Scharfsinn und einer gehörigen Portion Tollkühnheit macht das Dreamteam der Wildereimafia einen fetten, leuchtstiftmäßigen Strich durch die Rechnung. Ein bayrisch-namibisches Reiseabenteuer ohnegleichen.

If you cannot read German don't despair, but keep on smiling. 

We've still got some 2021 calendars left to help you dream about Namibia, and even also Namibia road maps that help you plan your future trip there, which might both keep the desperate longing for 'Namibia' at bay.

So don't despair yet, there is a way to see & feel Namibia again one day!

Until then you're welcome to enjoy our images and stories about Namibia. 
Our 2021 NAMIBIA Calendars: 


By the way: we ship worldwide and send to your loved ones anywhere on Planet Earth :-) 
In the meantime please stay healthy and happy :-).
Many wilderness greetings, 
Claudia with Wynand 
Claudia & Wynand du Plessis | Namibia nature photographers | |
Wild Photo Shop, Osnabrücker Str. 13, Ingolstadt, Bavaria 85051, Germany
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