Subject: Online Bullies 😡 & How To Handle Them - Starting Soon!

In less than an hour, in fact ...
Prosperous Heart Logo

Bullies. Too many have been on the receiving end of their negativity.

And this week? Even after recently turning 34, I am still experiencing bullying.

Have you ever felt lost or tried to find help, but didn't know where to go or who you could turn to?

Friend, in less than 1 hour I will be sharing information with you on something too many people need, but may not know is available to them.


I hope my experience (and the information I will be sharing with you shortly) can empower you to find strength should you need it.

Because too many people feel they're alone.

Feel like no one is listening ...

Like there's nowhere they can go.

Ever felt that way?

Then join me at 2p CDT (less than 1 hour from now) to learn how to deal with internet bullies.

Here's how to get reminded (via Facebook notifications) when you can engage with me live...

STEP 1:  If you haven't already, click this link:

This will take you to the current FB placeholder post.

STEP 2:  Hit the "GET REMINDER" button to be notified when I'm live.

Looking forward to serving you at 2pm CDT. ^_^

Have a prosperous rest of your day!

Kassandra Keeton - the Prosperous Heart

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