Subject: OK - 2 BIG Things This Week

Do you use FB or Pinterest? Then this is for you!
Prosperous Heart Logo

If you're using Facebook or Pinterest, I have 2 things to share with you today.

If you have no interest in either, sorry for adding to your ever growing list of emails.

So here's the gist.

If I could introduce you to a MONTHLY opportunity to learn how to market your business online from people creating results ... Would you want to know about it?

What if your investment was only 20 US bucks?

You never have to pay another dime.

Yup. It's real. And guess what?

Tim (the host) takes a portion of all tickets and donates to a charity!

And ...

I'm going to be one of the speakers this Saturday. ^_^

Will I see you there? I hope so!

Click here to get your ticket (I make nothing when you decide to invest in your education via this link):

Now. Pinterest.

If you didn't know, Pinterest is da shiz!

And I have Pinterest Powerhouse Laura Rike as a guest at 2pm CDT this Saturday!

Be sure to join in via this link:

That's it from me for today.

Have a prosperous rest of your day!

(or evening)

Kassandra Keeton - the Prosperous Heart

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